Brought Reyes to KKH for a review checkup and blood test yesterday. Hubby and Regan went along.
Poor Reyes shriek when pricked in the sole for blood samples and Regan was slightly taken aback by the sight of blood oozing out didi's foot. But we explained to him what its all about then he felt better.
After we got the blood test results, we went back to Clinic P to see the physio therapist. The lady had to assess Reyes' physical development. In fact, to date, his corrected age is about 3 weeks old and he weighs about 4 kg now. Was quite happy that his weight gain is good. :)
The therapist feedback that his physical development is pretty apt for his age but we have to give him more tummy time to strengthen his neck, haha but he doesnt quite like it though.
Next stop is to see his neonatal doc, Dr Khoo, she looked at the blood test report and we were told that his blood count is a bit low. -_-' She recommended for us to increase his Iron intake to 2 times a day and also he needs to take some folic acids.
Then she went through the report from the cranial scan last month with us. The cyst on his left ventrical has disappear but the one on the right is now 4 mm. Dr Khoo didn't think much of this but she is more concerned about the part in the report that states that there are plenty of "echos" in the scan. -_-' I asked her what is the impact of having all these echos and was told that it could affect development so we have to monitor Reyes carefully, probably for stiff muscles in the thigh and stuff.
Next, the umbilical hernia, it seemed to have grown bigger. Dr Khoo is not that concern about the size of it but rather the possibility of intestine getting entwined in it. So, she instructed to watch if Reyes is throwing up a lot and if that's the case I have to bring him back immediately. Luckily, he doesn't do that too often, only once in a blue moon.
So, the next review appointment will be next month, coupled with a cranial scan and also blood test. -_-'
I've decided to listen to mummy and put a binder over Reyes tummy to hold down the "ballon", hopefully this might help.
I'll be back to work on 6th Jul but the feeds for Reyes has to be maintained, think I'm gonna have a hard time coping and am not sure if my EBM supply will be enough. But I've gotten a preemie formula, NeoSure and gonna introduce that to him soon, this will supplement my EBM.
When I'm back to work, my maid will be taking care of him for me in the day, didn't really have a choice but she's trustworthy. Right now, she's helping with the 5 am and 8 am feed while I sleep more since I have to do his 2 am feed. Lets hope everything works out the way its supposed to be. :)