Wednesday, April 15, 2009


OK.. the diuretic didn't work, the retained fluid in his heart is still there, it wasn't drained at all.

The doctor we spoke to was Dr Chua, she updated us that they will be giving him the medication that will try to close up the duct, that's the same one he was given when he was 2 days old. The dosage for that will be a total of 3 doses, once every 12 hrs. Generally, this medication doesn't work 100% for infants more than 14-15 days old but its worth a try since he responded positively to it before and we would prefer to leave surgery to the last resort. There would be another scan on Friday and that would be one to determine if he needs to be operated on.

Reyes's weight was 1286g yesterday. When I stroke him, he struggled to open his sleepy eyes. I stood by his incubator for a good 30 mins, but I feel kind of helpless. I know I can count on the doctors and nurses to take good care of him but my hands are tied as there's really nothing I can do to help.

But I have full faith in God that all will be well. We are praying.

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