Monday, April 13, 2009

Reyes has dimples!!!

Yesterday was the 7th day of the administration of the diuretic to Reyes, he will be doing a scan today to see if the retained fluid in his heart gets drained off.

His weight is 1268g, dropped slightly but he is still active generally.

I noticed that his tummy is a little bloated, checked with the attending nurse and was told that his tummy is indeed bloated but he is passing motion regularly so there's nothing to be worried about. They call it the CPAP-tummy, as air could be taken into the tummy to make it appear big but if its soft, she mentioned that's not an issue.

I hope the scan today will reflect some good results.

Noticed that Reyes has dimples! 帅! But that's really hard to capture on pictures. Perhaps when he is bigger ba.

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