Tried establishing my milk supply and miserably the best I managed was a 2-3 ml per session. But I'm not gonna give up, this is probably the best gift I can give to Reyes and what he needs most at the moment.
Bro-in-law and wife came visiting at about 10, I showed her Reyes' pics and she shedded a few tears. I actually had to comfort her telling her everything is ok and he is progressing well, when I'm not entirely sure myself. I tried hard to fought back my tears too.
Some social workers came by and I gathered from the conversation that after NICU, Reyes will be transferred to Special Care Unit and the visiting hours will be more flexible then. He can probably only be discharged when he is 35 weeks weighing at least 2 kg.
Hubby arrived at about 11 am and I sinfully had carrot cake. haha, talking about confinement food. I dread the thought of it.
Went back to NICU to see Reyes again after all the discharge procedure has been completed.
He was off the CPAC and he has a crown full of black black hair. I was a little happy to see his progress. The attending nurse mentioned that they are starting him on the EBM (Expressed Breast Milk) and the supply I've given them is not quite enough. Bearing that in mind, Hubby and I went home straight after that for me to express enough milk to bring to Reyes in the evening.
I put my hands through the incubator doors and touched him, he was moving his little left hand around and he grabbed my finger!! The grip wasn't very tight but I'm glad for that moment of interaction we had there.

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