Sunday, March 22, 2009

Off most medications already!

Hubby brought EBM to the hospital earlier before attending a friend's wedding. Just called him to get an update.

Basically, Reyes is off all medication except the caffeine for Apnea. Apnea of prematurity is defined as the cessation of breathing by a premature infant for more than 15 secs and this is a result of his central nervous system immaturity.

Reyes has increased his milk intake to 2.5 ml/hr. He is still on the CPAP though, but will probably have it removed tomorrow and see how he respond to it.

Hubby also commented that he opened his eyes earlier and viola! He had double eye-lids! Like me!! So happy to hear that!

Yippee, I can see him tomorrow again!


  1. Great to hear that! Hang on Sister! I'm sure reyes is as brave as you!

    We will all be by ur side.


  2. jia you!!!

    Baby reyes can feel ur love and will be fine!!

    Gong xi ni on having BB with pretty eyes :D

  3. Thanks Ping, I really appreciate the support coming from you and mummy!

  4. Hi Qinna,

    Thanks for the encouragement! I'm sure Reyes will jia you with me too!!
    Thanks for the compliment as well. :)
