I thought he looked kind of pale (Hubby thinks I'm too sensitive). His weight increased a little to 1156g.
As we were wondering what's wrong with him, the doc came in to explain to us. Reyes vomitted twice yesterday and the tummy looks bloated so they stop his EBM feeding and put him purely on glucose water. There was tummy x-ray taken as well as blood samples taken to test for infection.
The test results were not back yet when we were there but I was kind of worried. Doc did comment that he is a little less active then usual. So if they diagnose it to be some kind of infection, he will be treated with antibiotics.
Was a bit down but hubby tried cheering me up and telling me Reyes will be ok as he is a very strong boy and that nothing will happened to him. Thanks dear, for your encouraging words.
Prayed with Regan before his bedtime for God to watch over Reyes and help him get through this ordeal. This morning, when Regan woke up, he came to my bedside and told me this, "Mummy, last night God helped Didi, God is Handy Manny helper!". He is such a darling! By the way, Handy Manny is a cartoon character on his disney playhouse channel.
Hubby will make a trip at lunchtime today to see Reyes and hopefully give me a positive update.

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